Rakshasa Street 2

University graduate-turned-heroic spirit fighter Xia Ling has teamed up with Cao Yan Bing, the Soul Guardian of Rakshasa Street, a dangerous place that only a few humans can access – and where guardians battle evil spirits. Together, Xia Ling and Cao Yan Bing are trying to restore the power of a magical tree – even if they have to travel far and wide to find the elements that will let them do this. A rival guardian is dispatched to thwart Yan Bing’s efforts, and other guardians also intervene. But as they battle evil spirits and draw closer to their goal, could a vile plot undermine the quest to restore the tree’s power? This 2021 Chinese animated series, directed by Bai Hai Tao, picks up where the first season left off and is based on Xu Chen’s comic book series.