Quirky greenlights the Ventu, an all-in-one pasta strainer, mixing & serving bowl dreamed up by a suburban mom. Also in the pipeline is Pivot Power, a flexible power strip that could change the life of its student creator.
Quirky puts a twist on the can opener. That is, if the laws of physics will allow. Also, a single mom's idea for an innovative dog accessory may just be the new leash on life this former NYPD officer has been dreaming of.
A former high school principal gets her groove on when her idea for a club themed bracelet wallet gets the greenlight for development. Also, another aspiring inventor must make a live TV appearance to launch his product.
The place where good ideas click, Quirky takes up the challenge of creating a combination camera case and tripod. Also, Tracie Beer's innovative closet system is about to launch, but buyers are still hung up on the idea.
Young inventor, Tim Hayes, is drowning in student loans but hopes his idea for a modular coffee storage system can put him in the black. Also, Quirky races to package 20,000 headphone cord holders before the clock runs out.
The Quirky team plays with fire when they work on aspiring inventor Christine Torpey's concept for a carry-all BBQ tray. Also an eccentric Quirky ideator isn't happy when his ideas for a plumbing tool may go down the drain.