Explorer Hazen Audel faces impenetrable rainforest as he begins a 500-mile survival challenge. In this first leg of his journey, he must escape to the edge of the forest before being trapped by the floods of the rainy season. With the help of the forest’s Wai Wai people, Hazen takes on lethal snakes, makes poisoned darts, and traps monster fish in the dead of night.
Survivalist Hazen Audel attempts to cross the open savannah in the second leg of his 500-mile Amazon challenge. He joins the native Wapishana cowboys in a desperate cattle-drive north, tackling giant anaconda, venomous rattlesnakes, and a treacherous river crossing as they attempt to escape the coming floods.
Survivalist Hazen Audel tackles the soaring Kanuku Mountain forests in the third leg of his 500-mile Amazon challenge. Using the survival skills of the local mountain people, he traps electric eels, climbs a sheer mountain peak, and hacks through an impenetrable forest of bamboo to reach the far side of the mountains before floods and landslides block his path.
Survivalist Hazen Audel faces thundering waterfalls as he enters gorge country, in the fourth leg of his 500-mile Amazon challenge. Against feces-squirting spiders, and the world’s most dangerous snake, he relies on the traditional skills of the fierce Arekuna people to survive, learns to hunt with a blow-pipe and rides the wild water of the regions rapids.
Survivalist Hazen Audel faces the final ordeal in his 500-mile Amazon challenge, crossing miles of snake-filled mangrove swamp to reach the Atlantic Ocean. With the help of the local Warau people, he learns how to live on water and braves killer bees in a daring night raid, before attempting to deliver a prestigious catch to the Amazon’s most northerly people.
Hazen Audel