James Ghost St. Patrick opens Truth nightclub, hoping its success will allow him to leave behind his life as a NYC drug kingpin, but a run-in with his past love and an attack from an unknown enemy on his drug business threaten to tear his life apart.
Ghost and Tommy respond to the anonymous attacks on the drug business, Ghost’s wife Tasha laments his new club career, Ghost rekindles his relationship with Angela, and Angela’s work as a US Attorney has her pursuing Ghost’s distributor Lobos – with neither Ghost nor Angela knowing the truth about one another.
A model almost dies in Truth, jeopardizing the club’s future, the rift between Ghost and Tasha over the nightclub widens, another attack on the drug business leads to Ghost taking extreme measures, and Ghost is reminded that pursuing Angela – and a legit life – could put his family in danger.
Ghost and Tommy plan to meet with their network of gang leaders, while Angela plans surveillance for the same meeting. An NYPD shakedown at the club gets Ghosts attention. The mystery assailant strikes again, and Ghost admits to Angela that hes married with children.
Her concern over Ghosts attitude deepening, Tasha interferes with club business. Ghost and Angela pursue their affair. Ghost reprimands Tommy for dating their employee, Holly, and Ghost and Tommy agree that gang leader Ruiz is behind the attacks.
Tommy makes peace with Ruiz, while Angela has a member of Ruizs gang wired. Ghost forgets Tashas birthday. Tommys relationship with Holly deepens. Angela has a family emergency. Ghost and Angela confront the reality of their affair, and Ghosts driver Shawn speaks too candidly to Tasha.
Omari Hardwick
James "Ghost" St. Patrick
Lela Loren
Angela "Angie" Valdes
Naturi Naughton
Tasha St. Patrick
Joseph Sikora
Tommy Egan
Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson