An evil sorceress named Rita Repulsa escapes from her space dumpster prison and begins a quest to take over planet Earth. Fortunately for Earth, Zordon - a wise old sage trapped in a time warp, has prepared for just such an occasion. Using his constant companion, Alpha 5, Zordon recruits five teenagers from Angel Grove to take on Rita and her henchman - Squatt, Baboo, Finster and Goldar. The five teens, Jason, Kimberly, Zach, Trini and Billy, each have special skills and strengths that make them "Morph" or change into a group of nearly indestructible super heroes called "Power Rangers." Rita, determined to succeed in her quests sends down Goldar and her Putty Patrol to battle the novice Rangers. But, the teens call on their Dinozords, large battle vehicles shaped like dinosaurs, to help them defeat the Putties and cause Goldar to retreat to the moon.
Trini must overcome her fear of heights to save Billy.
Kimberly and Trini gather signatures to close down a nearby dump site while convincing their teammates to work together more.
Jason battles King Sphinx while trying to break a bench-press record at the Angel Grove Gym & Juice Bar.
Kimberlys deaf friend offers the only hope of rescuing a group of girls captured by the Gnarly Gnome and his hypnotic accordion.
Bulk and his gang seek to ruin the food festival, while Rita sends a gluttonous pig to eat everything on Earth.
Austin St. John
Jason Lee Scott/The Red Ranger
Jason David Frank
Tommy Oliver/The Green Ranger
David Yost
Billy Cranston/The Blue Ranger
Johnny Yong Bosch
Adam Park/The Black Ranger
Karan Ashley
Aisha Campbell/The Yellow Ranger