After turning 665 months, Stan, an aspiring actor -- and the Antichrist -- is sent to New York City to fulfill his destiny to destroy humanity. Yet, chaos ensues when he goes to an audition for a commercial.
Stan undergoes an invocation and is summoned back to NYC. While Samael is sent to rescue him, Mefisto helps a ghost complete a task that she left undone in life.
After a father-son talk full of misunderstandings, Stan unwillingly makes a shocking pledge. Meanwhile, Mefisto promises to help a vengeful bear at the zoo.
On the annual demon celebration of good deeds, Stan relishes the chance to spread kindness but nothing turns out as he planned.
While Samael exacts revenge on her ex-boyfriend Surt, a heartbroken Stan meets a mysterious woman with ulterior motives.
Determined to make it on his own, Stan gets hired as a messenger, but what seems like a simple occupation turns into a bizarre space adventure.
Joaquín Reyes
Ernesto Sevilla
Veronica Forque