The hard work for all the penguins finally pays off when their tiny, vulnerable chicks begin to hatch. Among the spy cameras capturing unique behavior is a technological first - robotic penguins with cameras for eyes.
In Peru, Humboldt chicks emerge into the desert. The adults leave their burrow plastered in mud and needing a bath. They're joined in the waves by Humboltcam and boisterous fur seals. Home alone, the chicks shoot gulls with projectile poo and the colony faces a huge cormorant invasion. The chicks are learning to become adult penguins.
[Season Finale] Eventually all the chicks leave for the sea, tackling the same hazards as their parents before them, from sea lions to predatory birds, high cliffs to glaciers. All face huge challenges. From egg to adolescent, spycams have been with the young penguins through their tough early months.
David Tennant
John Downer
Philip Dalton
Matthew Gordon
Cassian Harrison