Female skydivers from all over the world attempt a world record, an airline mechanic rebuilds an old aerobatic plane to inspire a new generation; and an aerobatic glider competition reveals the silent poetry of flying to the edge of the envelope.
A family of wing walkers puts their daughter’s boyfriend to the test, a real life superhero shows that you don’t need a plane to fly, and a group of animal-lovers race against time to fly stray dogs to new families on the mainland.
Wayne Davis has the challenge of keeping both people and sharks safe as an aerial shark spotter. Aerobatic pilot Kyle Fowler attempts an audacious stunt. A group of kids transcend their disabilities with the pilots of Challenge Air.
Red Bull Air Force perform a spectacular stunt; a young woman chases her dreams of flying with the help of her community; and a late night flight with Grandview Aviation, who are transporting a donated organ with only a few hours to make the trip.
STOL drag racers face off in their annual competition. Legendary pilot Patty Wagstaff teaches two students what to do when things go wrong. Archer aviation hopes to change how we move as they work to get their EVTOL Aircraft into the sky.
The Civil Air Patrol and Air National Guard aim to protect our skies. A high-speed race that requires a special kind of training in Reno. Dave Edwards proves that anyone can fly with a little money and effort with his Affordaplane.