Pro Wrestler, Eric Young ventures to the gulf coast of Florida determined to catch one of the most predatory animals in the ocean. While in the middle of the ocean, he challenges himself by standing on a paddle board.
Eric ventures to Ft. Lauderdale and enters an annual Bullseye Snakehead competition. Down south in Miami, he fishes from his homemade raft to catch the Sailfish, the fastest fish in the Atlantic.
Eric Young journeys into the heart of Texas to take on the aptly named Devil's River from a kayak. He braves whitewater rapids, flash floods, snakes, scorpions and extreme heat, all to find the biggest bass in the state.
Eric ventures to the Outer Banks of North Carolina in search of the ultimate game fish. In order to find the infamous amberjack fish, he travels 30 miles off the coast using a jet ski.
Eric travels to Rhode Island to skish -- a combination of skiing and fishing -- to land a striped bass. He'll free-float miles from the coast armed only with a rod, and if he lands a big one, he could be towed through the water like he's on water skis.
Eric Young ventures to Long Island Sound where he takes on The Race, a dangerously fast, boulder-filled stretch of water where striped bass abound. He challenges himself to try and catch one by free-diving and hunting with a spear gun.
"Showtime" Eric Young
Gregory Henry
Kim Woodard
Dan Bree
Erin Wanner