Brandon McMillan meets up with squid expert Scott Cassell to night dive with the dangerous Humboldt squid. On their first dive, Brandon and Scott capture a large Humboldt but Brandon must retreat to the surface when he runs out of air.
Brandon McMillan sets out into the Kenyan veldt at night to witness one of nature's rarest sights: a leopard protecting its kill. With the aide of a native guide, he soon finds the eviscerated remains of a zebra suspended from tree branches.
Brandon McMillan journeys across the Kenyan savannah on a quest to find hyenas. Kate Shaw, his guide and expert, shows him the location of a hyena den. Before they can inspect it, they are surrounded by hyenas and forced to leave.
Brandon McMillan, travels to the remote jungles of Peru to find vampire bats. After much searching, their patience is rewarded as they capture a vampire bat in their net and examine its unique nocturnal traits.
Brandon McMillan heads deep into the Amazon jungle at night in search of one of the deadliest snakes in the world, the fer-de-lance.
Brandon McMillan ventures out at night in Kenya to witness a lion pride on the hunt. With the help of a Masai guide, the search leads to a male lion on the fringes of its territory, calling out to the nearby pride.
Brandon McMillan