Tough guy Marvin is reduced to tears by the sight of a pit bull puppy. A traumatic childhood encounter with a snake keeps Seth a virtual prisoner in his own home. And Jahara refuses to open windows in case a spider gets into her home.
A crippling fear of bats prevents Tom from leaving the house at night. Roxanne refuses to enter the bathroom by herself for fear of encountering a rat. And Laura has injured herself several times trying to avoid cockroaches.
Andrew raises exotic animals, but even the sight of a cockroach makes him to vomit. Jackie worries that her fear of butterflies may prevent her from finding a job. And Katie needs to conquer her fear of spiders if she is going to move out on her own.
Shelly refuses to swim in any body of water for fear of being eaten by sharks. Kurt wrestles men twice his size for a living, but cowers in fear when confronted with a bee. And Tameeka won't even enter her own home if she sees a millipede in the doorway.
Robin Zasio
Tom Forman
Julie Laughlin-Jones
Jon Beyer
Brad Bishop