Me Always You
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A young, beautiful, and carefree woman named Ploypailin (Fang Dhanantorn Neerasingh) hailing from a rich publishing family has fond memories of her once-podgy childhood friend and secret first love Kevin (played by Pae Arak Amornsupasiri). But when Ploypailin’s family business hits the rocks and eventually goes bankrupt, she experiences hardship and her once radiant beauty begins to fade. Ploypailin becomes an intern at a fashion magazine where Kevin has risen to become a handsome senior editor, but also convinces her attractive female friend Randa (Malinee Adelaide Coates) to pose as her – and meet him for a “reunion,” in a desperate attempt to reignite the spark between them. Things get messy when Ploypailin is assigned to work as an intern to her childhood friend – who berates her for her clumsiness, totally unaware of her true identity. When the female lead’s female friend starts to fall for the man she is supposed to be duping, unbridled chaos threatens to break loose – compounded by the fact that a male co-worker in the office Tula (Nat Kitcharit) appears to be falling for the female lead! This drama series is based on the South Korean drama series “She Was Pretty.” “Me Always You” is a 2021 Thai drama series that was directed by Yanyong Kuruangkura and Thanika Janjasda.