Master's Daughter
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Despite not being the most popular kids, Kazuma Yuda (Taiyu Fujiwara) and his twin sister, Ichika (Hana Toyoshima), never had any serious problems at school. At least not until Ichika began to draw the attention of Miyu Kurosawa (Yui Oguri), a bully who enjoyed nothing more than making Ichika’s life a living hell. Tormented to the point of breaking, Ichika is saved by the beautiful and mysterious Sara Kiritani (Mizuki Kayashima). Having recently transferred to their school, no one knows much about Sara but after saving Ichika, neither she nor Kazuma mind the mysterious aura which sets Sara apart from the rest of the student body. Happy to have a friend who isn’t bothered by their non-existent social status, Kazuma and Ichika are quick to welcome Sara into their lives. But neither sibling can deny the fact that since befriending Sara, strange things have started to happen.  Life for Kazuma and Ichiki becomes even more bizarre when their father, the editor-in-chief of a weekly magazine, begins working on a piece about a cult leader sentenced to death. Suddenly caught in a tangled web of confusion and suspicion, will this family ever find a way to return to their once-peaceful lives? An intense psychological thriller, “Master’s Daughter” is a 2022 Japanese mystery drama directed by Ko Kanai.

