During the hottest summer in years, detectives Elling and Mendt investigate a series of murders. Directed by Andreas Herzog, 2021.
A hot lead takes the investigators to a campsite in Marnow. Directed by Andreas Herzog, 2021.
A corrupt LKA officer tries to obfuscate the investigation. Directed by Andreas Herzog, 2021.
Jasper stumbles across a lead as Elling is attacked by the killer. Directed by Andreas Herzog, 2021.
Elling and Lona face tough questions from the prosecutor. Directed by Andreas Herzog, 2021.
As the detectives unscramble the serial killer's motives, a new mystery looms. Directed by Andreas Herzog, 2021.
Petra Schmidt-Schaller
Lona Mendt
Sascha Alexander Gersak
Frank Elling
Bianca Nawrath
Mareike Elling
Christine Schorn
Helga Elling
Sabrina Amali
Maja Kaminski