When a giant glacier appears out of nowhere and plunges Acmetropolis into a new ice age, the Loonatics must find a way to stop it before the whole city freezes over. After numerous attempts to melt it, Ace realizes Slam's magma tornado will do the trick. But when the glacier finally melts, a marauding band of futuristic Techo-Vikings comes crashing out of the iceberg in an armed Viking boat. The Loonatics soon discover that the Techno-Vikings intend to drain all the power from the planet in order to create a new Ice Age and continue their reign of terror!
Acmetropolis is under the spell of the Fuz-Z, adorable and pliable living bio-pets. Everybody, including Duck and Lexi, wants one. But what nobody realizes, even Lexi who has come home with one, is that when the little cuties devour chocolate, they turn into huge, 10-foot tall, destructive creatures! The Loonatics race against time to stop this army of monsters from destroying the city and follow a trail to an embittered inventor fired from an Acmetropolis candy company, who is taking his revenge by using his genetically altered creations to give chocolate a bad name!
Just when Duck swears off all technology, Acmetropolis comes under attack from a villainess named Black Velvet (so named because she was blinded when the meteor hit the planet). Determined to bring darkness to the entire planet, Black Velvet has stolen some high-tech inventions to fulfill her plan. Now, she just needs a super genius to make them work--and she wants Tech!
An ambitious TV news assistant is struck by lightning and transforms into the delicious and evil Weather Vane. Her first order of business is to blow her boss and arch nemesis, weather reporter Amber Waves, sky high. Amber lands in a satellite dish near Loonatics headquarters, and the vice president of her fan club, Duck, makes it his personal mission to avenge her. Weather Vane conjures up horrific storms and even unleashes an army of cloud creatures to battle the Loonatics. Eventually, the villainess turns into a monstrous storm front that will rip apart Acmetropolis, but the Loonatics lure her to a volcano set to erupt in order to finally stop her.
Sections of Acmetropolis are literally being turned upside down when a crazed geologist who lives beneath the planet's crust is determined to turn the world, "inside out", to create a new home for himself and his boulder beasts. It's up to the Loonatics to stop him by burrowing deep below the surface in one of Tech's cool drilling vehicles to confront the geologist, destroy his crystal operated machine and return Acmetropolis to normal.
After a freak meteor shower interrupts an award ceremony on the anniversary of the first meteor hit in Acmetropolis, our heroes discover that another meteor, five hundred times the size of the first one, is heading straight for them. As they set out into space to try and stop it from colliding with the planet, they all remember their lives before the meteor strike transformed them into super heroes. The Loonatics manage to save the day, but it turns out there is a mysterious and dangerous villain who is targeting Acmetropolis . . . Optimatus.
Charlie Schlatter
Rob Paulsen
Jason Marsden
Sander Schwartz
Ron Myric