Unable to control his impulses, Rory bites Melanie on the hand. When he is punished and sent to the Principal's office, the other kids feel sorry for him and try to cheer him up. As the children discuss Rory's behavioural issues with the interviewer, they reveal they understand that Rory never means to be naughty; he just can't help it.
On Dress-Up-As-What-You-Want-To-Be-When-You-Grow-Up-Day, Battie dresses up as Stretcho, his very own made up super hero. Melanie has tried to come as a vet, but as she forgot to tell her Mum in advance, doesn't have a proper uniform and has had to accessorize with her pet dog. Usually, Battie is very scared of dogs, but maybe being dressed as Stretcho will for once make him brave.
The children discuss that Atticus has been acting strangely all week and that it might have something to do with his parents going away. Atticus confesses that he is upset because he is starving. His Ya-Ya (grandmother) has been looking after him and cooking weird food that Atticus hates. But he is surprised to discover that not everyone thinks his Ya-Ya's cooking is so horrible.
Tamara is very good on the monkey bars because she uses them every day. Melanie is not very good on the monkey bars because Tamara never lets her on them. When Melanie demands a proper turn on the monkey bars, Tamara is outraged. A battle of wills begins: who can hang on the monkey bars the longest? It's a very tough competition.
After Mrs Gonsha bravely rescues a tiny boy from the top of the playground equipment, she can't get down herself. The children slowly realise that Mrs Gonsha isn't stuck, but she's too scared to move because she's terrified of heights. Somehow, they must think of a way to make her overcome her fear and get her down to safety.
Debra-Jo is very upset when she loses her glasses so the children take her to the Lost and Found box to look for them. Debra-Jo, who does not normally lose things, is horrified to see the huge mound of abandoned clothes, toys and lunchboxes, but the other kids are overjoyed as they discover all their long-lost own belongings.
Flynn Curry
Maddison Lu
Olivia Deeble
Oisin O'Leary
Faith Seci