Before attempting the ultimate stress test, Chris learns how to tame his unruly stress response by training with soldiers and firefighters.
Can things that feel bad be good for you? Chris heads to the Arctic with brothers Liam and Luke to test the health benefits of extreme temperatures.
Chris tries the ultimate anti-aging treatment: a 4-day fast before hunting for his next meal. Not easy for a man used to superhero-sized portions.
As he bulks up for "Thor," Chris trains for an epic rope climb to transform his muscles, keeping him stronger and healthier for longer.
Chris goes off-grid on an adventure designed to future-proof his brain and help him hold on to his deepest and most precious memories.
Chris attempts to live for three days as an octogenarian. Could facing aging and the end of life head-on be his most rewarding challenge?
Chris Hemsworth
Ari Handel
Arif Nurmohamed
Bengt Anderson