Erik, Alicia, Isabel, Eduardo and Manuel sang a duet with their children Mia, Melenie, Joss, Lalo and Lucerito, demonstrating that the love of music is not only inherited, but also preached. Also Angelica Vale delights the audience with a double surprise.
Eduardo Capetillo and his son Lalo experienced a unique musical encounter accompanied by the women of their family. And Angelica Vale lived a very special moment when she sang a duet with her beloved father, the singer and comedian Raul Vale.
Lucerito reminded his father Mijares about their pending revenge and they both brought their best reinforcements, Isabel Lascurain sang in tribute to her father, and the Capetillo men opened their hearts face to face.
Endless emotions fill the fourth Juego de Voces gala, in which Consagrados and Herederos bring out their best weapons. Angelica Vale sings along with her mother and her daughter, showing that she holds high the title of Consagrada-Heredera.
Mia Rubin, with the help of her sister Nina, pays a beautiful tribute to her mother, Andrea Legarreta. Mijares joins forces with Prince Royce to duel with Joss Alvarez, who has Pedro Capo as his secret weapon.
Isabel and Joss gave the emotional touch to the night, while Mia and Lucerito surprised everyone with a powerful duet. Banda El Recodo and Banda Los Recoditos came out on stage to support Eduardo and Lalo.
Angelica Vale