A guys night out that doesn’t go exactly as planned. They run into popular radio host Eugene Johnson, who gives them relationship advice. Keith flaunts his new crush Bianca and is challenged by the guys to test her loyalty.
Lisa forces Jarvis to have a dinner date with their friends Kevin and Karen. Omar, Greg and Keith hang out at a lounge where musical artist Emi Seacrest performs. Omar reveals to Greg that he received an unexpected phone call last night.
Omar, Greg and Jarvis attend Eugene Johnson’s annual poker tournament while Keith goes salsa dancing with Bianca as he tries to figure out if it’s a real date or not.
Omar learns the importance of mental health while Keith begins his search for a rental space. Jarvis is suspicious when offered a consulting opportunity by Kevin and his father. While driving for ride share, Greg picks up a surprise passenger from his past.
Bianca spends the night at Keith’s loft leading him to believe that they can be more than friends. Omar visits his son Caleb and his estranged wife Naomi. Greg and Jarvis get into a heated political debate.
Tensions rise during a pick-up basketball game. Greg encounters the infamous Atlanta ‘Water Boys' when his car is broken into. Eugene witnesses Omar getting a little too cozy at the bar with a mystery woman.
Thomas Q. Jones
Omar Johnson
Deji LaRay
Greg Johnson
Philip Smithey
Keith Johnson
Derrex Brady
Jarvis Johnson
Reesha L. Archibald