World Intelligence Netowrk (W.I.N.) director Shane Weston explains to Professor Ian McClaine how nine year-old son Joe can utilise the brain patterns of professional experts to become W.I.N.'s most special agent.
Two men become trapped aboard a space station that is to form the hub of W.I.N.'s new orbital radar system.
Dr. Conrad Darota intends to discover the secret of W.I.N.'s File 90 which details the BIGRAT project and Joe's involvement as W.I.N.'s most special agent.
Following the shooting of W.I.N. agent Ed Johnson while investigating the activities of ruthless gun-runner Mario Coletti, Joe infiltrates Coletti's hide-out using Johnson's brain patterns.
Army supply runs ferrying U114 liquid explosive to the Kuchanga Tunnel have been plagued by sabotage.
W.I.N. agent Roger Fleming is captured in Santa Marina after hiding a top secret microfilm.
Len Jones
Joe McClaine
Keith Alexander
Sam Loover
Sylvia Anderson
Rupert Davies
Professor Ian `Mac' McClaine
David Healy
Shane Weston