I Promised You the Moon
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After overcoming the various obstacles that stood between them, the last year has been nothing but bliss for “Teh” Krittikorn Saetan (Putthipong Assaratanakul) and “Oh-aew” Panwa Suramontha (Krit Amnuaydechkorn). With their relationship strong, Teh and Oh-aew confidently leave Puhket behind them as they head to Bangkok and the new adventures of university life which await them. Settling quickly into their new lives, Teh and Oh-aew’s relationship seems as strong as ever; but things between them begin to change as time passes. Spending more time with his new friends than he does with Oh-aew, Teh knows that his feelings towards his partner have changed. But that realization takes on new meaning when he begins to acknowledge the feelings he’s been harboring for Jai (Oabnithi Wiwattanawarang), his drama club senior. Seeing Teh and Jai together, it doesn’t take Oh-aew long to notice Teh’s growing feelings for Jai. Hurt by Teh’s wandering heart, will Oh-aew break things off between them, or will he stay and fight for the one he loves? Picking up where "I Told Sunset About You" (2020) left off, “I Promised You The Moon” is a 2021 Thai romance drama directed by Tossaphon Riantong.