After escaping from EGG labs, Frankie must adjust to life in a new high school while hiding her identity as an android.
Frankie works hard to keep her android identity a secret, but makes new enemies during a math competition at school. And she must risk being discovered when a bug in her system forces Frankie to plug herself directly into the school's Internet.
Dayton and Frankie bond over a rom-com. Will and Jenny put Frankie at risk of getting a virus. Tammy is suspicious of Frankie and makes it her mission to uncover the truth.
Frankie begins to develop human characteristics. Tammy gets closer to figuring out the truth about Frankie while Kingston works to locate Frankie's coordinates.
Tammy makes an effort to befriend Frankie after she discovers that Frankie has read her e-diary. Frankie becomes Cole's new math tutor and joins the Brain Squad. And Kingston closes in on Frankie.
Frankie hosts a sleepover for Tammy and Dayton even though it means risking the truth coming out. James secretly tampers with Frankie's battery.
Alex Hook
Frankie Gaines
Nicole Alyse Nelson
Dayton Reyes
Mohana Krishnan
Tammy Gilroy
Uriel Baldesco
Lucia Baxter
Kristi Beckett