Hold My Hand at Twilight
Available on Viki
Asagi Soramame (Suzu Hirose), an energetic and bright young woman from rural Kyushu, follows her childhood friend and fiancé to Tokyo. There, she has a fateful encounter with Umino Oto (Ren Nagase), a man she never expected to meet again. After her fiancé breaks up with her, Asagi starts to find herself. Now, at 23, she and Umino find themselves living in the same boarding house. Asagi discovers a passion for fashion, while Umino struggles to make it as a composer. Despite his parents’ disapproval, he works part-time at a café to make ends meet. Meeting Asagi reignites Umino’s dream, and together, they inspire each other to pursue their passions. This is a 2023 Japanese romance drama directed by Ko Kanai.

