Sisters Savannah and Sophina discover the significance of supportive competition when they find themselves competing against each other in Hip Hop Harry's unique dance contest. During the competition, the kids also learn the health benefits of drinking a lot of water.
The kids share their inspiring dreams about what they want to be and accomplish when they grow up. Hip Hop Harry also teaches the kids how banana chips, a healthy and tasty snack, are made.
Hop Hop Harry teaches the kids that words are powerful and must be carefully chosen because they can make someone feel good or bad. Kiana also constructs a special, inventive gift for her father's birthday.
The kids welcome Tonya, the new girl in town, to Hip Hop Central. On Tonya's special first day, Hip Hop Harry comes up with a creative new game that revolves around shapes, challenging and provoking the kids to come up with activities using more than one configuration.
The kids plan a special surprise birthday party for Pinky, and while they are preparing for the party, the kids learn about the importance of contributing to a group. They also discover germs and the significance of proper handwashing.
Ryan is having a difficult time in basketball practice, but Hip Hop Harry inspires him never to give up and to keep on trying to improve his game. When mail carrier Carla stops by Hip Hop Central with a new pet goldfish, the kids learn how fish can magically breathe underwater.
David Joyner
Hip Hop Harry
Ali Alimi
Gelila Asres
Claude Brooks