The evil Darkans are attacking the peaceful land of Gorm. They want the Elestar, which they will use to annihilate every Gormian! But four young friends from different Realms unite to find the legendary One Tower, home of the mighty defenders of Gorm, the Gormiti. RIff, Ikor, Trek and Eron have become the new Heralds of Gorm!
While training to defend Gorm, Riff, Ikor, Trek and Eron are being attacked by a frightening new adversary, Xathor. They're not ready yet for the mighty force of his destructive spells. How can four kids and their young Guardian outsmart an immortal wizard?
In his workouts, Ikor always uses straight shots and despises Riff's improvised style. But when the Darkans attack the tower, he realizes his technique is useless against an energy shield. Ikor has to learn to think differently if he wants to stay alive.
Our heroes realize that they won't be able to go on a quest for the Elestar as long as they have to stay to defend the One Tower. And when Ao-Ki tells them that the Tower used to be much mightier, they know what they have to do: call on the four Lords of the Gormiti to raise it once again!
Before they can start their quest to find the Elestar shards, the Heralds need the compass that will guide them. But to earn it, they have to pass tests that challenge their strength, agility and accuracy. Riff, Ikor and Trek take the tests very seriously, but it's Eron, with his laid back attitude, who aces them all.
RIff, Ikor, Eron, Trek and Ao-Ki find the first missing shard of the Elestar! But it's a wind shard, and it flies everywhere at an unbelievable speed. How can they catch it and defend themselves against a Darkan attack at the same time? Maybe with the help of the fastest of the Gormiti, Zephyr!
Stefano Broccoletti
Stefano De Filippis
Alessio De Filippis
Sara Ballerani
Mario Bombardieri