Fussy Rocco endures hunger strike for better food but eats science specimens./Possibly poisoned salmon ruins posh party./Hot-dogs at Maxi-Frank theme park made with garbage./Grocery clerk
The embarrassing ramifications of eating chili before a first date./Girl-shy tongue-tied guy transformed by a girl/ghost./A couple “well suited”; First date at Halloween dance, costumes no
Dead pet bunny makes reappearance with help of dog and baby-sitter./ Foreign cuisine’s secret ingredient translates to horror for Peterson family on vacation./Big game hunter scared of bug
Pizza delivery guy encounters girl with an odd collection in her basement./Carpet installer bonds with bird who then bonds with the carpet./A tabloid photographer chases an alien story and
A beauty pageant contestant tries to win through dehydration but ends up getting soaked./Spiders nest in beehive./A zipper caught ruins snob’s dinner./Two high school fashion “plates” com
High school disco dummy transforms into astrophysics academic to reunite with lost Martian love./An army brat gets pinned down as he goes through graveyard-club initiation./A scout-master