Ruff is frazzled. He needs more time to get his first show ready, but unfortunately, he's live on the air right now! What to do? The show must go on! Ruff sends three Fetchers to meet a big star. They arrive at the Museum of Science to discover that the star is the sun, and that they're about to blast off on an amazing space race. Can they rush through a city-sized scale model of the solar system -- using trains, boats, cabs, and a three-wheeled bike -- before time runs out?!
Ruff sends one team of FETCHers to learn how to ballroom dance. Another team must prove that dog mouths are cleaner than human mouths.
Anna learns how to dance hip-hop; and Noah, Khalil, and Julia must cook for some picky eaters.
Ruff challenges Taylor and Anna to train a cat to fetch; Noah and Brian must design a kite that will lift a dog biscuit in the air.
Ruff sends the cast back to 1627 to learn log-sawing, oven-starting, jaw-harping, goat tending and other lessons of Colonial life.
Ruff challenges Brian and Khalil to learn how to be beekeepers. Anna and Julia must learn how to windsurf with the help of windsurfing champion, Nevin Sayer.
Rosario Corso
Marc Prophet
Madi Bader
Harsha Amaravadi
Isaac Bean