Howie Mandel is terrorized by an evil spirit, Hal Sparks uncovers the truth about his own alien abduction and Chloe Lukasiak opens a portal to another realm on a trip to New Orleans.
Steve Guttenberg is tormented by the ghost of an eccentric royal, Ed Lover makes a shocking discovery in an abandoned house and Tori Spelling has a lifesaving encounter from the great beyond.
Montel Williams explores a haunted cruise ship with psychic Sylvia Browne, Kate Flannery finds a special connection to the spiritual world and Richie Ramone checks into a hotel with a sinister reputation.
Geraldo Rivera is terrorized by a UFO while sailing in the Bermuda Triangle, Aubrey O'Day comes face-to-face with a ghostly mobster and Todd Bridges is tormented by spirits for more than 20 years.
Chris Kattan discovers a portal to another realm in his basement, Willie Aames confronts a beast lurking outside his home and reality television star Brandi Glanville avoids disaster with the help of a guardian angel.
Carson Kressley struggles to renovate his haunted dream home, Christi Lukasiak narrowly escapes a supernatural attack in her grandparents' basement and Fred Williamson has a disturbing vision from the past.
Seth Jarrett
Julie Insogna-Jarrett
Cathy Garland