Three unrelated people, who slowly realize that they are dreaming separate parts of a single common dream.
Burton is faced with the idea that The Woman in Red may only exist in his dreams. Tess begins to learn how to navigate into others’ dreams. Taka connects the group suicide to unexpected sources.
Taka further investigates the cult. Burton goes on a business trip and meets a mysterious CEO and Tess has an unpleasant trip to her mother’s house and discovers difficult information.
Burton’s controlled façade begins to crumble in his waking and dreaming life. Taka and Sabine find an unexpected, off-kilter intimacy. Tess seeks solace in the company of a dying ex-lover.
Tess quits the dream experiments and learns more of her mother's secrets. Burton rejects sleep to shake loose of Olivia. Taka is torn between his obligation to Kumiko and attraction to Sabine.
Certain Charlotte is complicit in the taking of her son, Tess trespasses in her mother's dreams. Ann-Marie Bowen tries to recruit Taka. Burton learns new secrets.
David Ajala
Zak Orth
Bill Boerg
Lizzie Brocheré
Will Yun Lee
Anna Wood
The Woman in Red