After his father's mysterious death, Chase Gioberti inherits 50 acres of Tuscany Valley vineyards that his aunt, Falcon Crest winery owner Angela Channing believes rightfully belongs to her.
Angela promises Chase's old friend Paul a large sum of money if he succeeds in getting the Giobertis off their land. But Paul's plan also endangers the Falcon Crest vineyards.
When Angela thwarts their attempts to raise money to pay a large tax bill, Chase and his family decide to sell their New York City house. Chase's son, Cole agonizes over giving up his dream of becoming an archaeologist to help his father in the vineyards.
Disenchanted with unruly, irresponsible grandson Lance Cumson, Angela pretends to court Cole as heir to Falcon Crest. Lance bribes Chase's grape pickers not to harvest the Giobertis' crop.
Tony Cumson, Lance's father and Julia's (ABBY DALTON) husband, reappears after deserting them 12 years ago. Chase gets upset when Maggie takes a newspaper job working for Angela's ex-husband, Douglas Channing.
Cole is badly injured on a journey into a wilderness area with Chase and Lance. Thinking she's about to be sent to a mental institution, Emma runs away from Falcon Crest.
Jane Wyman
Angela Channing
Robert Foxworth
Chase Gioberti
Susan Sullivan
Maggie Gioberti Channing
Lorenzo Lamas
Lance Cumson
John Saxon
Tony Cumson