It was a case that captivated the country. At 8 months pregnant, Laci Peterson went missing on Christmas Eve, 2002. As the investigation unfolded, her husband Scott was revealed to be a liar, a cheater and ultimately a murderer. The world's media hung on every moment of the trial, and Scott was convicted and sentenced to death. Case closed, or so everyone thought. For the first time since before his arrest in 2003, Scott is speaking on camera. In a series of intimate conversations with director Shareen Anderson, who has been investigating this case for over a decade, Scott shares his side of the story. While many still believe the jury got it right, Scott's family and experts close to the case have spent over 20 years committed to uncovering inconsistencies in the evidence as well as finding new information around alternative theories surrounding Laci's murder. And in a shocking twist on a murder the world thought was solved, the Los Angeles Innocence Project takes over Scott's case.