A rookie pilot takes the controls for her first real flight with a plane load of passengers. The airfield maintenance team goes to war against an invasion of feathered intruders to prevent a runway disaster, a heavy lift helicopter flies between skyscrapers in downtown Johannesburg, and Africa’s top bush aviators take to the skies to save the lives of endangered rhino.
A mysterious engine fault delays the launch of a new flagship airliner, scientists fly into the bush to track the transmission of a killer disease, fire teams scramble to get a broken-down plane off the runway, and a snake hunt across the airport ends in a face-off with a spitting cobra.
A baboon invasion on the runway threatens to cut off food supplies to a remote wilderness lodge, engine faults play havoc with airline flight schedules, a wild cheetah gets its first taste of flying, and a family firefighting business takes to the skies in the world’s first non-military Blackhawk helicopter to tackle blazes in the bush.
A wildlife invasion on the runways delays a flight into the wilderness, a massive four-engine airliner attempts a night landing at a bush airport in a power outage, cargo handlers rush to deliver half a ton of fresh flowers in time for Mother’s Day, and a patrol plane discovers fires raging through Kruger National Park.
An airliner dodges thunderstorms flying to a cyclone-damaged island; aerial firefighters cross the country to battle infernos; daredevil chainsaw operators hang underneath helicopters and mechanics build an anti-poaching patrol plane from scratch.
A K9 anti-poaching squad flies into action, a heavy-lift helicopter flies emergency supply missions across a storm-ravaged island and an airliner races to reach its destination before a power outage plunges the airport into darkness.