EWOKS (a.k.a Star Wars: Ewoks) is an animated series featuring Wicket W. Warrick and his friends on the forest moon of Endor before the events that led to the Return Of The Jedi. Wicket (voiced by Jim Henshaw, and later, Denny Delk) is the youngest son of the Warrick family, which is headed up by his mother Shodu (Nonnie Griffin, Esther Scott) and his father Deej Warrick (Richard Donat), who comes from a long legacy of Ewok warriors. Warrick wants to be just like his dad and those who came before him. But somehow, he -- along with his siblings Weechee (Greg Swanson), Willy (John Stocker), and Winda -- manage to get themselves into all sorts of trouble. Even his friends from other families get caught up in the fray. But this doesn't stop Warrick from trying to help the tribe defend themselves against some of their enemies, including the vengeful Morag and the meddlesome Duloks.
Jim Henshaw,
Denny Delk,
Cree Summer