En of Love: This is Love Story
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As a senior student in his school’s engineering program, Neua (Ratchapat Worrasarn) has spent his years at school building himself quite a reputation. Known as the school’s resident playboy, Neua has had more than his fair share of romantic entanglements. Falling in and out of love more times than anyone can keep track of, Neua has no problems finding the next special someone. But when he sees Praram (Natthapong Pathong) for the first time, everything changes. In a classic case of love-at-first-sight, Neua falls head-over-heels for Praram the very first moment he sees him. But with a reputation as infamous as his, Neua realizes he’s going to have to overcome a number of obstacles, if he’s ever going to win Praram’s heart. Willing to do whatever it takes to prove to Praram that his love is real, Neua sets out to do just that. But in order to win Praram’s heart, he must first win the trust of Praram’s older brother, Gun (Achawin Michaels). Determined to have Gun’s support and win Praram’s heart, Neua does everything he can to prove himself to the brothers. Will his determination be enough to win Praram’s love or will his playboy reputation end up ruining everything? Adapted from the novel, "This is Love Story เหนือพระราม," by Faddist, “En of Love: This is Love Story” is a 2020 Thai school romance drama directed by Niink Karnpicha Sinlertpattana and Ko Nantalit Tampacha.