The team remodels a house that became the eyesore of the block when a car crashed into the yard.
A chef has been spending long hours at the restaurant, and his front yard is in desperate need of a makeover. The Curb Appeal team arrives to help turn an overgrown mess into a low-maintenance masterpiece and give a local church a face lift along the way.
A stroke of bad luck and a company bankruptcy has left two homeowners living on the eyesore of their street. Luckily, the Curb Appeal team has plans for a dramatic and ambitious home transformation for them and their neighbors!
A young family's house is bringing down everyone's property value with a yard that has been neglected while they fix the water-damaged interior. Now, the Curb Appeal team is stepping in for a dramatic makeover that will benefit the entire neighborhood.
A first-time homeowner has bought the eyesore of the block, but her busy life doesn't leave any time to devote to fixing up the front yard. Fortunately, the Curb Appeal team is turning the sticks and weeds in her front yard into a gorgeous landscape.
A couple bought their square frame home when it was just the two of them, but after the unexpected family addition, they quickly realized they need more space. Choosing to add on instead of move, they need the Curb Appeal team's help with the new facade!
John Gidding