It's 1628 and 25 colonists are sailing for the colony they'll call home for five months. It's cold and damp on-board, but they'll have to get used to that. They'll also have to get used to illness, having to go to the bathroom in the woods and dealing with Native Americans. And they must get used to backbreaking work. "Every minute," moans one woman---and she's the governor's wife.
It's June, but it's still cold at night, by day there are mosquitos and maize must be planted. Lay minister Don Heinz has a tough congregation, not all of whom are believers. At least the Native Americans are friendly, and several arrive bearing a gift: a muskrat to eat and rationed beer. But then a tragedy strikes the governor's family and the colonists lose their focus.
Gov. Wyers returns alone five weeks after the death of daughter Bethany's fiancé, ready attempt to turn the colony into the idealized Puritan "city on the hill." But it won't be easy to enforce 17th-century laws, particularly the one mandating church attendance. The Voorhees family goes skinny dipping instead the first week, and it's clear that the requirement is unenforceable.
Reinforcements arrive, almost doubling the colony's population. That means more hands, but also more mouths to feed and cramped living quarters. So Gov. Wyers decides to build another house. Meanwhile, freeman Dominic leaves the colony for two days, Amy-Kristina leaves for good, and indentured servant Jonathan takes Don and Carolyn into his confidence in a manner he'd be unlikely to use in 1628.
It's August and the Verdecia house is finished but food supplies are dwindling and a torpor pervades the colony. "We're not living up to ourselves," says freeman Don Wood at Sunday services. Then Gov. Wyers announces that he and his family must leave because his daughter has been hospitalized in Texas. Who'll take his place? That's not all that the shakeup will entail.
The shakeup continues as Colonial House Company sends its "cape merchant," Jack Lecza, to the colony to make it more businesslike. Jack's full of good ideas, and he isn't a tyrant. Meanwhile, Michelle Voorhees' refusal to attend Sunday services has become an issue again, since her husband John has been chosen as the new assistant governor.