Jimmy Blue, and team are brought in to solve a gruesome case of decapitation and Internal Affiars are doing their own investigation on Jimmy.
A nun has been murdered and the case pushes the team. Yolanda questions her path in life, Jimmy is haunted by his memories of war and Darius' loyalty is tested.
Tarik joins the team. The Mayor’s son is missing. Clues lead to an underground organization, The Dragon’s Shadow and Yolanda goes missing.
A former Russian diplomat ends up dead, the SIU team is called, but finds themselves being pawns in an international conspiracy. Yolanda is back.
Yolanda decides to come clean, Jimmy’s meeting with Darius results in disastrous consequences and the head of the Albanian Mob, Argon, finds out who killed his son.
Argon closes in on Jimmy and Darius. Jimmy can’t stop the war flashbacks, Zakia and Miriam find a witness to the robbery, Darius pleads for protection.
Ameer Baraka
Denise Boutte
Eddie Davenport
Keeland Ellis
Jillian Ferry