Bissy wants to meet her favorite band, but she must bring her embarrassing brother Bossy. When Bossy and Turtle find a chrysalis, they help it grow into a healthy butterfly. Bossy and friends want to use Turtle's precious keepsake for a soccer ball.
Bossy and Turtle go full gumshoe to find Bissy's missing plushy. Bossy and Turtle decide to exchange gifts for their first annual friendship anniversary. Bossy and Turtle have to face the scariest ride ever at Wacky Wacky World: The Tumminator!
Turtle gives Gran-Gran a tour his favorite amusement park. When Bossy's even bossier cousin Honey Bear comes to visit, Bossy and Turtle try to make the coolest science fair project ever so they can become hall monitors.
Bossy and Turtle agree to two parties at the same time and end up over-committing themselves. Bossy and Turtle have their first sleepover ever! Bossy schemes for himself and Turtle to get new Boom Boom Super Satang cards.
Bossy plans a Shell Day party for Turtle without considering what Turtle would want. Bossy and Turtle must learn how to be patient from the master of patience themselves Gran-Gran. Bossy is tired of losing at the All-School-Spring-Games.
Bossy and Turtle bring fun weird smelling food for "Show and Smell. "During a sleepover, Bossy and Turtle want to watch a big-kids' scary movie, but may have bitten off more than they can chew. Ginger hangs out with besties Bossy and Turtle for a day.
Jayden Ham
Bossy Bear
Jaba Keh
Claudia Choi
Mom Bear / Gran Gran
Shaun Baer
Dad Bear
Viva Lee
Bissy Bear