The VETPAW team scrambles through red tape while realizing the majesty of Africa and what they came there for. Their first operation is dangerous as they travel to a remote village in search of Ivory where the tribe is known to use poisonous arrows.
The team has intelligence from two arrested poachers that there's a major elephant killing crew operating in the Rungwa Game Reserve, one of the most dangerous parks in Tanzania. Ryan's teams suit up for a night operation and heads into the dark.
A major suspected elephant killing crew, operating in the Rungwa Game Reserve, has been exposed but the teams' cover is compromised by the sunrise. Once VETPAW and the Rangers start to uncover weapons there's no stopping, but they may have gone to far.
The VETPAW team is told to stand down after their operation creates friction with other government agencies. Intelligence reports point to a suspected park Ranger dealing ivory in Mwanza, the second largest city in Tanzania.