Meet the Cutter’s, a blue collar, Midwestern family determined to keep their company alive amidst Ohio’s aggressive oil boom. With recent loss of their father, son CJ and his family struggle in efforts to make Cutter Oil successful
Inexperienced rig workers and stormy weather keeps CJ on his toes while he falls behind schedule and over budget. A pay-zone strike brings less than steller results and pits brother against brother, leaving money and the Cutter name on the line.
In an attempt to take his company one step ahead of big oil, CJ proposes a well on the only land available, his backyard. This well will have to cut through a deep layer of ultra hard granite that no man has penetrated, in search of a mythical sea of oil.
CJ is forced to drill a well in his own backyard. If he can pull it off, he thinks he will unleash a gusher of oil, and wealth. CJ gives Josh the responsibility of laying the pipeline for the well, but CJ doesn't know that Josh has other plans in mind
With drilling underway, CJ must deal with his brother's Mexican vacation and Particle Drilling breathing down his neck. Delays at the drill site cost the Cutters time and money and put pressure on CJ's crew to pick up Josh's slack.