I gathered 1,000 people to fight for $5,000,000, the LARGEST cash prize in TV history! I don’t know why you’re still reading this, go watch it right now! No more spoilers.
The remaining 500 contestants must fight to stay in the MASSIVE city I built from scratch (not joking). The end of the episode may be the craziest thing that’s ever happened in television history. Watch it right now!
What would happen if three best friends were trapped in a room, but only two could escape? Watch and see for yourself right now!
The rules are simple: fight for a seat on the helicopters, or lose $5,000,000. My private island awaits.
You're about to witness someone win a private island AND continue to compete for $5,000,000. I just sent the Navy SEALs to hunt these players down. Stop reading and watch this episode.
I gave the remaining contestants a choice. Play a physical game, play a mental game, or play a game completely left up to chance. No excuses!
Tyler Conklin
Sean Klitzner
Michael Cruz