A mother fights to sort out access to her children, there’s a challenge to rehiring former RUC officers, and a test case is heading for court seeking compensation for people living under electricity towers.
A business takes Derry City Council to court for an unpaid bill, a man injured at work is seeking damages, and a top barrister prepares to fight a major criminal case.
A man claims compensation after being badly gored by a bull, a woman sues her international lawyer after a property deal goes wrong, and a man hurt at work seeks damages for injuries and lost wages.
Families take part in a harrowing public inquiry to find out why their children died in the hospital, a woman finally gets back some of the money she lost when a property investment went wrong, and a young barrister tries to build his practice.
A local barrister takes the Department of Justice to the Supreme Court in London, there’s a court battle to save a historic Belfast building, a religious discrimination case heads to a tribunal, and the next generation of top barristers prepare for their careers.