Bakugan Battle Brawlers

Dan (voiced by Scott McCord), the main character in Bakugan Battle Brawlers, has only one ambition -- to be the top-rated Bakugan player -- and most of this anime series focuses on his efforts. It shows him playing Bakugan (a complicated game that combines playing cards and small monster figurines that transform into huge creatures and attack each other), making plans for his next match, coming up with new strategies, and gossiping about other players. In fact, the entire show centers on the Bakugan game. The series tries to add another dimension to this fairly limited story by introducing a parallel plot about a different dimension, Vestroia, where an evil monster is trying to take power. Through a mysterious accident, the monster ends up on Earth as a Bakugan beast. His rival, Drago (Jason Deline), follows, hoping to foil the nefarious plan, and becomes the most powerful Bakugan creature in Dan's collection.
Jason Deline,
Emilie-Claire Barlow,
Katie Griffin