Molly returns home to her old roommate and best friend Elle's home after two years. Nothing has changed - except everything. Molly has met someone abroad and it isn't who Elle is expecting. Elle realizes her parent's impending divorce is so much more than she thought.
Molly finds herself in her personal nightmare - subbing in for the sex-ed teacher for a grade 6 class while trying to deny her own sexuality. Elle hatches a plan to fix everything.
A team-building Samba Samba class at Patricia and Elle's advertising agency turns competitively violent. Fighting depression, Molly is hiding from the world and decides to venture out of the house incognito when she has a run-in with a disgruntled parent on the PTA.
Molly finally comes out to her mom and admits that she's been suspended from school for two days. When she accidentally eats a bag of edibles it takes her on a wild, wild ride into her subconscious and the courage she's been lacking.
Molly calls The One. Elle's discussion with her mom blows up in her face. Molly decides she and Elle need a self-care retreat.
A road trip with a broken car and broken hearts in search of Roger. Molly and Elle arrive at Elle's family cottage to discover Roger has 'gone fishing'. Molly and Elle are forced to indulge in their friendship with a bonfire, champagne and a bag of marshmallows.
Heidi Lynch
Perrie Voss
Faye Marsay
The One
Brenda Robins
Kristian Bruun