Get ready to row your boat but we are not rowing to the same old place that this song usually goes. These two characters will pick up a few new friends along the way as we all sing to this classic kids song that have this boat rocking.
This monkey may be great at having fun, but he is terrible at telling the truth. This song is a great opportunity for parents to use as a teaching tool to talk with children about telling fibs. Learning social skills is super fun with PlayKids.
An important lesson for preschool or kindergarten kids to learn is taking turns. Just like this walrus, some kids get so excited they just can't wait and move ahead of a line or game. Sing along with us we all learn that being better at taking turns creates a better friendship. Learning social skills is super fun with PlayKids.
Nobody likes being bullied. Especially when your bully is a badger! Sing along with your children to this PlayKids favorite and show them how being a bully is not cool and treating others with kindness is always the right thing to do.
Old MacDonald has a farm, but it's not just any farm. This version of a kid’s classic has a few surprises in store. Get ready to sing along and laugh.
PlayKids knows sharing is an important social skill that all preschoolers should learn. My Bear Won’t Share will show toddlers the consequences of not sharing through a funny and engaging song that all parents can appreciate. Who knows… you might even learn something too!