It’s life and death for a heat-exhausted domestic rabbit who has been abandoned in a parking lot. The Phoenix set out to catch the fast and furry before it's too late. Investigators support an emotional owner who must surrender their animals.
Animal Cruelty Investigators tread carefully on the trail of a set of bloody footprints that belong to a dog in distress. The fire department lends a hand to reach a cat stuck 40 feet up in a palm tree.
As summer arrives temperatures soar above 100 degrees. The elite team rescue an underweight Rottweiler chained out in the blazing sun. The search is on for kittens trapped under roof tiles. A dog attacked by coyotes fights for its life.
The Arizona Humane Society Field Dispatch Team rescues a mother and nine puppies from a storm drain. A neglected dog with a bad leg injury is recued and three kittens and their mother are found and get a lifesaving operation.
Animal Cruelty investigators battle with soaring temperatures to save the lives of animals in Phoenix.
Animal Cruelty investigators rescue a skunk and a cat trapped together in a storm drain. Puppies at risk of a life-threatening disease are saved from a hoarder's house. An abandoned snake with a horrifying injury is found on a golf course.
Robert Leigh
Michele Santopietro
John Lurie
Christina Bellamy
Paul Berriff