In the mountains of Northern Italy, a grisly discovery is made by a couple of mountaineers. In a nearly unreachable part of the world, human remains are found sticking out from a glacier. These remains turn out to be those of the oldest ice mummy ever found. Researchers are shocked by the man’s cause of death and realize they are investigating a homicide that is thousands of years old.
Human remains are discovered near Croghan Hill, Ireland—a place where ancient kings were once crowned. The investigation takes a turn when authorities realize the body is not a current missing person or murder victim, but rather one that is thousands of years old. As archeologists examine the remains, a story unfolds that reveals the gruesome murder of a King by his followers.
Two bodies are discovered near the town of Weerdinge, Netherlands as locals jump to conclusions that the bodies belong to a man and woman likely united in life and death. But as scientists dive deeper into the mystery of these humans, more details are uncovered along with a surprising twist—the bodies are of two unrelated males. Who were these men and why were they murdered?
When the human remains of a female are uncovered near Vejle, Denmark, an archeologist begins detailing a fantastic tale of who she was and why she was murdered, linking her to ancient sagas and even King Harald Bluetooth! But as the archeology study evolves, a rival archeologist has another theory on whose body this is and why her death occurred in the first place.
Near Silkeborg, Denmark, peat diggers uncover a human head and authorities quickly work to identify who it is, possibly relating it to a missing boy in the area. But a keen police officer reveals the body is much older than the current missing person and calls the museum to investigate. What is discovered during the excavation is a perfectly preserved person, posed most interestingly and peacefully. Could this positioning be a clue to how and why he was murdered?
Human remains are pulled up from the depths of a peat bog near Yde, Netherlands. Some locals believe it is the work of the devil—strands of shocking fire-red hair stream from the ground, sending them fleeing in fear. But as archeologists study the human remains further, they realize they belong to a young woman whose death is more chilling than they ever imagined.
Michael Drew
John Barnard
Kyle Bornais
Felicia Litovitz