What started as an indomitable partnership for steel magnate Andrew Carnegie and coal king Henry Clay Frick, ended in violence.
John D. Rockefeller, the young new king of kerosene, and Thomas A. Scott, the visionary behind the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, battle for control of America's new oil industry.
In the late 1800's a new life-changing electrical industry emerges with the two greatest minds of the day, Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla, backing opposing positions on how the multi-million dollar industry will transmit power for the next century.
Railroad kingpin Cornelius Vanderbilt takes on his old friend Daniel Drew in a Wall Street war for the Erie Railroad. Vanderbilt has millions, but sly Drew and his protégés, Jay Gould and Jim Fisk are set to break the bank of America's biggest tycoon.
In the late 1890s when William Randolph Hearst challenges the king of newspaper publishing Joseph Pulitzer in a high stakes circulation war they change publishing forever stopping at nothing to gain the upper hand.
The lawless territory of 1880's Montana remains up for grabs. Two relentless American Titans, William Clark and Marcus Daly, find themselves in a war to control power over the state and to mine millions in copper ore hidden in the richest hill on earth.
Joe Feldman-Barros
Jay Gould
Ned Read
John Leishman
Rob Kerr
Mike Masland