Jaime Ramos from Virginia becomes Kodiak PD's only female police officer--and soon has her first encounter with the infamous Kodiak bear. Fairbanks Officer Gerrit Butler, a former MMA professional, must bring down a suspect who also knows martial arts.
In Kotzebue, Sgt. Norman Hughes gets more than he bargained for on a domestic violence call while Ofc. Robert Odom faces the dangers of working alone. It's all hands on deck in Fairbanks for Sgt. Meredith when a pizza van is carjacked and the suspect is armed and loose in the city.
In Fairbanks, a wanted fugitive flees into the woods--and the police's only lead is frozen footprints in the snow. When a killer bear becomes loose in Kodiak, officers must hunt it down--before it kills again.
Three new officers have to adapt to the harsh realities of policing in Alaska. Officer Chris Cook questions his future in remote Kotzebue. Officer Stephanie Jones has to battle her own soft-hearted nature to succeed as a rookie. Officer Christopher Zenyuch is eager to prove himself in Fairbanks.
In Kotzebue, Sgt. Norman Hughes and Officer Robert Odom grapple with the distrust of the police as they try to keep the community safe. In Fairbanks, Sgt. Nathan Werner and Officer Gerrit Butler bring a personal touch in dealing with alcohol and drug-fueled crimes.
Alaska is home to many people who live by their own rules. That means law enforcement must deal with quirky characters of all kinds on a daily basis. Some are good, some are bad and some are downright hilarious.
Stephanie Angelides
John X. Kim
Steven M. Engel
Joe Livecchi
Elaine Frontain Bryant