Dr. Victoria Vosburg isn’t just a vet for the Alaska Raptor Center, but she’s also a member of the fire department. In this episode, she climbs a 75-foot ladder to rescue a bald eagle with an injured wing. The Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center gets two baby musk ox, and an octopus at the Alaska Sealife Center is causing mischief in its tank.
This week, the Alaskan wildlife heroes have some hard cases to crack. Unexplained injuries shake up the wolf pack while the Sealife Center brings in a mysterious shark from the deep. At the Raptor Center, a bald eagle is on death’s door and needs an unusual operation.
The Alaska SeaLife Center’s hotline is inundated with calls about orphaned harbor seal pups. Meanwhile, at the Alaska Raptor Center, a call comes in about two bald eagles on the ground. At the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center, it’s time to move the bison to their spring pasture.
There’s a baby boom in Alaska. The conservation heroes have their hands full as newborn orphans start to arrive, which requires round-the-clock care. With an orphaned newborn sea otter pup, a young bald eaglet that has fallen from its nest, and rescued foxes preparing for a habitat upgrade, it’s a busy season.
The Alaskan wildlife heroes get down and dirty while the Raptor Center team proves it will do whatever it takes when a raven falls in fish guts. The SeaLife Center rescuers respond to a seal pup that may have been contaminated by a fuel spill, and at the Conservation Center, a severe injury requires a keeper to dive headfirst into a filthy moose pond.
The state of Alaska is battling uncontrollable wildfires and record-breaking heat, and an orphaned sea otter pup narrowly escapes the flames while the rest of the SeaLife Center combats heavy smoke. At the Wildlife Conservation Center, the team prepares for a once-in-a-lifetime expedition to survey wild wood bison, but the heat is causing complications.
Sarah Howard
Jamie Holland
Jeff Corwin
Patrick Greene